According to recent research from Mintel, 42 percent of Hispanic men and more than half (55 percent) of Hispanic dads are the top decision makers on the purchases made in their households. Around half (54 percent) of Hispanic men aged 45 to 64 have the most influence on their household purchasing decisions, as do 50 percent of Hispanic men aged 35 to 44. These statistics reveal how valuable Hispanic men can be to potential marketers.
“Everywhere we look, marketers are directing their focus on Latinas, but brands are forgetting to talk to Hispanic men. Ignoring Hispanic men is an unwise mistake, as this growing group, like most men in the U.S., has taken on a greater role with household chores, caring for children and shopping for the household,” said Leylha Ahuile, Senior Multicultural Analyst at Mintel.
“Marketing efforts that discuss how Hispanic men, and Hispanic dads in particular, can obtain top value in their household purchases could set a…retailer apart from its competitors, leading to greater loyalty among Hispanic men who are shopping for the household. By failing to reach out to Hispanic men, brands and retailers will miss out on the chance to establish themselves as the first choice among a segment of shoppers poised to gain great influence in the coming years.”
Despite their active role in their households, when it comes to their portrayal in the media, two-thirds of Hispanic men believe they are stereotyped by advertisers. “Hispanic men feel like they are misrepresented in the media. This means that marketers may be missing the mark with their advertising initiatives in both Spanish- and English-language media,” said Ahuile. “By having greater sensitivity to Hispanic culture, stereotypes could be omitted from ads, and a higher level of engagement could be reached.”
When it comes to where to shop, three in four Hispanic men shop for food items at a traditional grocery store, making it the leading destination among Hispanic men for food shopping for their households. However, Hispanic fathers are more likely to purchase groceries at mass merchandisers, with 71 percent of them doing so, compared to 63 percent of Hispanic men without children.
As for key purchasing factors, Latinos like to play it safe. Some 44 percent of Hispanic men bought a new product after first sampling it in a store, while 42 percent made a purchase after a friend or family member recommended the product. Moreover, around a third of Hispanic men are more likely to be influenced by ads on Spanish-language TV than ads on English-language TV.
What’s more, in certain categories, Hispanic men are more brand loyal than the larger Latino population, often willing to pay a bit more for their preferred brand. Some 35 percent of Hispanic men think more expensive brands of laundry detergents are more effective than bargain brands, and some 58 percent of them only shop at their favorite stores, as they are confident they will find the brands of merchandise they like there.
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