3 Tips for Maximizing your Opportunities at NRA with Help from Restaurant Daily News
NRA is an incomparable once-a-year opportunity to meet the people who will matter to your success over the next year, saving you the time, energy and expense of countless round-the-world trips to meet all the people who gather in Chicago each May. Make sure you make the most of the opportunity to meet, not just the people you know you need to see, but also the potential partners, suppliers and customers that you don't even know are out there.
Make sure that EVERYONE knows how to find you at the show.
Before the show: Email your entire contact list with your NRA booth number.
During the show: Advertise your booth number and talk about your products in the pages of Restaurant Daily News, which will reach the people you don't know you need with timely information about the new products and services you're bringing to the market.
After the show: Follow up by making sure that you're included in our weekly e-newsletter Food and Food Equipment News post-show emailer, which reaches more than 12,000 restaurateurs, food service directors and, caterers around the world.
Set as many appointments as possible in advance, but leave some flexibility in your schedule.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that we're all overly optimistic about how busy we'll be during NRA. Once we're at the show and reality bites, we all have to rearrange our schedule at the last minute to accommodate a customer whose flight has been delayed, a meeting that ran longer than anticipated, a request from a boss. Take advantage of one sure thing: with more than 35 years of experience at NRA, Restaurant Daily News has the experience and the resources to ensure that your marketing plan goes off as planned and that your message reaches the widest possible range of show attendees.
Block appointments with geography in mind.
Exhibits at NRA 2013 will
be sprawling over McCormick Place. Attendees will be staying at about
two dozen official hotels as well as dozens more nonofficial hotels,
timeshare condos and private homes across Chicago. Hospitality events
will also be happening in hotels and restaurants across Chicago. Just
moving from one venue to another invariably involves the delays and
difficulties of crowds and traffic jams, so do yourself a favor and
minimize the time you spend in travel by blocking appointments in the
same venue as much as possible.
Making sure that your
message is heard through the noise and confusion is just as
complicated. Only Restaurant Daily News offers you the chance to
reach your audience and tell your story with four issues during the
show – all of which will reach them at their hotels each morning
before they leave for the exhibit hall. Restaurant Daily News will be
distributed in 60 locations across Chicago, including key hotels,
shuttle stops and restaurants serving show attendees, where they will
be drinking their coffee and planning their days on the show floor.
Call 520.721.1300 today to book your space before you've missed your chance to make the most of your NRA.
Restaurant Daily News is a publication of Oser Communications Group, an independent publishing company not affiliated with the National Restaurant Association. It is not an official publication of the NRA show.