Seen First, Last and Everywhere during NRA, Restaurant Daily News is your best advertising vehicle!
ONLY Restaurant Daily News, the oldest continuously published daily at NRA, is your BEST ADVERTISING BUY during the show. Compare rate cards and see for yourself that Restaurant Daily News offers more for your money during NRA!
ONLY Restaurant Daily News publishes FOUR, count 'em, FOUR, daily issues during NRA! Your ad runs in all four issues for one low price.
ONLY Restaurant Daily News will be distributed in 60 locations throughout Chicago, including key hotels, shuttle stops and restaurants serving show attendees, to ensure that your message will reach your buyers where they live while they're in Chicago. No other publication does more to take your message outside convention center walls.
Restaurant Daily News is published in full tabloid size. Our 11”x14” page is almost 25% larger than a Dealerscope page. That's 25% MORE of your message for LESS DOUGH!
ONLY Restaurant Daily News will be
distributed in hotel lobbies, along shuttle routes and in restaurants
serving show attendees en route to McCormick Place, so your message
reaches your buyers before your competitors grab their attention.
ONLY Restaurant Daily News focuses on
you and your products. Restaurant merchandisers come to NRA to see
what's new and what's hot. RDN puts YOU in front of them!
For more than 35 years, Restaurant Daily News advertisers have counted on RDN to be at their hotels every morning BEFORE buyers have left for the show. Our presses are running while other publishers are sleeping, so our news reaches the show first!
Call 520.721.1300 today to reserve your space while great positions are still available!
Download printable flyer here NRA2
Restaurant Daily News is a publication of Oser Communications Group, an independent publishing company not affiliated with the National Restaurant Association. It is not an official publication of the NRA show.
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Posted by: Tesemotte | 11/27/2013 at 02:46 PM